Saturday 19 July 2014

Closing Commerical Way to vehicles

Very pleased to see Woking Council is consulting on closing the lower part of Commercial Way to vehicles.

Currently traffic is allowed along the section of the pedestrianised street between Chapel Street and Cawsey Way before 10.30 am and after 4pm.

It has always surprised me that this traffic free environment becomes a cut through and parking area at certain times of day and particularly on Sundays.  I was unpleasantly surprised one late afternoon several years ago when walking with one of my daughters.  She was just a toddler at the time and riding a small scooter when a car appeared behind us.  it gave me quite a fright because I wasn't aware that traffic was allowed on the street at all.

The area becomes a chaotic free car park on Sundays and it really detracts from the area.

Artistic impression of Commercial Way in future 
I hope this change does go through and the pedestrianised area becomes truly traffic free.  With Commercial Way being revamped and new restaurants opening along there it will be nice to have outdoor seating and people able to walk or cycle safely along.

If you would like to comment you can find the consultation here. Responses are required by 5pm on 1 August.

I hope in due course attention will be given to the other end of Commercial Way, between what will be the new Tante Marie and Carluccio site and the Big Apple.  Vehicle access is needed here to reach car parks behind the shops but this area will really stand out and look even worse when work on the rest of the street is completed.

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